Russia Has Two Months of Domestic Digital Storage Left

In an unexpected consequence of the sanctions it has faced, Russia only has two months of digital storage left domestically....
Russia Has Two Months of Domestic Digital Storage Left
Written by Matt Milano

In an unexpected consequence of the sanctions it has faced, Russia only has two months of digital storage left domestically.

Companies have been pulling out of Russia at a record pace, led by some of the biggest names in the tech industry. According to BleepingComputer, that has put Russia in a precarious position, with only two months of digital storage left. With Microsoft, AWS, and Google Cloud all boycotting the country, Russia simply doesn’t have the resources to handle its domestic needs.

A number of possibilities are on the table, including Moscow leasing all remaining domestic storage, or taking over the leftover equipment from providers that have left the country.

As BleepingComputer points out, Huawei may be another option. The company initially suspended operations in Russia till March 26, 2022. However, given that Huawei is already sanctioned by the US and can’t be hurt anymore than it already has, it may see little to lose and much to gain by becoming Russia’s primary tech supply chain.

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