
Royal Baby: The Duchess of Cambridge Goes Into Labor

It’s the moment the world has been anxiously waiting for: at approximately 6:00AM BST, or 1:00AM on the eastern seaboard in the United States, Catherine and the Duke of Cambridge arrived at St Mary’s Hospital in west London, the BBC reports. Following their arrival, a crowd surged in anticipation.

Although an official due date was never formally announced, speculation suggested a July birthday for the newest addition to the English royal family. The BBC’s royal correspondent, Peter Hunt, had thought the duchess was a week past her due date, and his tweets along with the hashtag ‘#royalbaby’ have supplied information as well as well-wishes from those all over the world who are expectantly awaiting the arrival of the royal newborn, who will be the Queen’s third great-grandchild and third in line for the English throne.

After marrying Prince William in April 2011, the royal couple had announced their first child in December following Kate’s hospitalization for a case of morning sickness. The Duchess went on maternity leave in June. For those interested in even more moment-to-moment updates on the royal baby, the Guardian will be live-blogging the story.