
Romney’s Binders Full of Women Remark Gives Birth to Crappy Flash Game


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: this election is weird, and it’s being made weird by the internet. And I’m not saying this is a bad thing – at all. All I’m saying is that it’s hard to imagine having social networks like Twitter and Facebook around with their current reach during Bush v. Gore or Clinton’s impeachment.

Mitt Romney sure knows that the internet has probably changed elections forever. He saw a gaffe, slip of the tongue, misunderstood statement, calculated dig at half the population – whatever you want to call it – go viral this week. His “binders full of women” remark at Tuesday’s town hall debate blew up almost instantly and has yet to really die down.

And now, you can play a hastily-made flash game based on the pop culture phenomenon. Yes, the instructions make no sense, and yes you are given the really odd time limit of 80 seconds (?), but you do get to catch falling silhouettes of women in a binder. In front of the White House.

Anyway, play it or don’t play it. All I can do is lead a politically exhausted voter to water.

[via Kotaku]