
Roblox and Former National Security Officials Come to Apple’s Defense in Epic Case

iOS App Store - Image by Parampreet Chanana

Apple is receiving some major backing in its fight with Epic, with former national security officials and Roblox defending the company’s App Store policies.

Epic sued Apple in an attempt to force the company to open the App Store. Although Epic largely lost its battle, both companies are appealing the decision — Epic to achieve anything resembling a victory and Apple to try to win the one point it lost.

Throughout the case, Apple has maintained that it’s walled-garden approach to the App Store improves the overall privacy and security of iOS, a point Roblox and former national security officials agree on, according to CNET. The various groups have filed court briefs supporting Apple’s position.

“If Epic were to prevail, competition for higher quality device security would be stifled, and courts would be forced into unwanted regulatory postures that would open the door for greater risk of security threats,” a group of former defense, CIA, NSA, and National Security Council officials wrote.

Roblox made a similar case in its brief.

“Apple’s process for review and approval of apps available on the App Store enhances safety and security, and provides those apps greater legitimacy in the eyes of users,” Roblox wrote. “This is an important benefit that all apps, including Roblox’s, enjoy by choosing to be a part of Apple’s ecosystem.”

Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers’ original decision was a well-researched decision, one that many experts believe will be upheld. Given the weight of support Apple is receiving, an Epic victory is looking more and more unlikely.