
Righthaven Domain Sold In Auction

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We recently reported that Righthaven.com was up for auction on Snapnames, and it has now sold. And not for much.

It ended up going for $3,300. That’s unfortunate for Righthaven, seeing as how they’ve been ordered to pay about $60,000 more in court.

For Righthaven, commonly referred to as a “copyright troll,” having to auction off its domain was rather ironic, as the “company” sought the domains of other sites in its quest for copyright infringement “justice”. As courts tended to rule on the side of fair use in these cases, things got financially worse and worse for Righthaven, which brings us to why it has let its domain go for just over three grand.

While it’s not an incredibly high amount, especially considering the amount Righthaven owes, how much value does this domain really hold anyway?

Is the buyer (which is unknown) looking to capitalize on that awesome brand power of the Righthaven name?

(hat tip to DomainNameWire)