
Reg Traviss, Amy Winehouse’s Former Boyfriend, Arrested for Rape

Reg Traviss, who is probably best known for being Amy Winehouse’s former boyfriend, was charged with two count of rape, according to ANI. The alleged assaults took place between December 29, 2011 and January 1, 2012, roughly five months following Winehouse’s death. Traviss was arrested by the London Metropolitan Police for the crimes in April.

“I have authorised the Metropolitan Police to charge Reginald Traviss with two counts of rape,” said Rebecca Mundy, a lawyer for the Crown Prosecution Service’s London Rape and Serious Sexual Offences Unit.

Traviss has worked as a movie producer/director, and was responsible for helming the films “Joy Division”, “Screwed”, and “Psychosis”, a 2010 horror film starring “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” and “Angel” veteran Charisma Carpenter. Following Winehouse’s passing, Traviss said that he was forced to throw himself into his work in order to cope with the loss.

“I took six weeks off and dropped everything [when Amy died]. I’m just kind of getting back into work now,” he reportedly said in an interview.

Traviss is currently scheduled to appear in Westminster Magistrates’ Court on July 17.