
Reddit Experiencing Sporadic Downtime, Productivity Expected To Soar

office tech trends

Reddit, everyone’s favorite social news site, is currently down for “emergency maintenance“. With Reddit being down many are faced to do actual work, or forced to go to class… oh the humanity.

Below are some of the funnier “Reddit is down” memes:

Reddit down meme
Reddit down meme
Not sure if...
Reddit down meme
Reddit down meme

With the ample free time Redditors now have, many have turned to Twitter… to talk about Reddit.

Reddit is down. ಠ_ಠ Will I have an orangred when I get back? Probably not. 🙁 5 minutes ago via TweetDeck · powered by @socialditto

Reddit is down. That means Im going to have to actually work on homework right now! #WhatIsThisWorldCommingTo 5 minutes ago via web · powered by @socialditto

reddit is down for emergency maintenance?the withdrawals are already kicking in #reddit 6 minutes ago via Twitter for iPad · powered by @socialditto

Reddit’s down and the crossword’s done… I might as well just have a nap 32 seconds ago via TweetDeck · powered by @socialditto

reddit is down for maintenance….what do i do at work now? 1 minute ago via Silver Bird · powered by @socialditto

Umm what’s going on with http://t.co/5LzOhcJC right now? You mean I actually have to do work? 2 minutes ago via web · powered by @socialditto

Reddit is down. #EarlyLunch @redditstatus 1 minute ago via web · powered by @socialditto

Reddit is down. I guess that means I have to do something with my day. 1 minute ago via web · powered by @socialditto

Oh my God. REDDIT IS DOWN… Better drink my own piss… 3 minutes ago via web · powered by @socialditto