
Queen Elizabeth Responds To Child’s Postcard

A young girl was vacationing with her family when she decided to send Queen Elizabeth a postcard.

While the girl was hoping she would receive a reply, she wasn’t sure if she would get one. Luckily, the nice Queen found the time to reply to the child’s postcard, making her day.

Maia Reid said that she has been anxiously awaiting a reply from the Queen and was worried that her letter would never come.

Her two brothers, who were also traveling with the family, also sent postcards to members of the royal family and received replies.

Maia explained, “I was in Italy and I wrote a postcard to the Queen. When I was at home Alex got a letter first and then Finlay got one. I was waiting for my letter and I thought it wouldn’t come. And then one day I came home from school and there was a letter so I opened it and it was from the Queen. I was very happy because I waited for ages for it to come. I feel very special.”

The reply letter was written by the Queen’s Lady-in-Waiting, who said the Queen was pleased to hear she had a nice holiday in Italy.

Maia’s brothers had written their postcards to Prince George and received replies from the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, as well as a souvenir photograph of Catherine, William and George.

Nice to see that the royal family is willing to take time out of their busy day to reply to their young admirers and fans, even if they didn’t actually write the replies themselves.

Do you think the replies will prompt other children to write letters and postcards to the royal family and other government leaders?