
President Obama is Now on Foursquare

Foursquare has officially attracted their biggest name yet, as the leader of the free world joined the service yesterday evening.

No, President Obama won’t be battling people for mayorships, as this is an official White House account. I’m sure that’s for the best – an Obama personal Foursquare account might qualify as a security risk.

The White House announced the news on their blog

The White House is now on Foursquare, a location-based social networking website, which is the latest way for you to engage with the administration. There are over 10 million people already “checking in” around the world, and now you’ll be able to discover “tips” from the White House featuring the places President Obama has visited, what he did there, plus historical information and more.

The White House has joined Foursquare amidst a huge Midwest bus tour where the President has been holding town hall meetings to discuss the economy. If you visit the White House’s new Foursquare profile page, you’ll see the first tip they’ve left – for “Lower Hannah’s Bend Park” in Cannon Falls, MN. Yesterday he led a gathering of over 500 people at the park.

Welcome to @foursquare, President Obama! Follow him on foursquare to see where he’s checking in and leaving tips: http://t.co/BRREVsS 13 hours ago via Twitter for Mac · powered by @socialditto

Announcing @whitehouse on @foursquare: Find tips, keep up w/ Obama’s bus tour, check-in. Follow us: http://t.co/NJVv6vf 12 hours ago via web · powered by @socialditto

If you follow the White House on Foursquare you can expect “tips” about locations that President Obama has visited as well as special check-in opportunities.

Maybe The White House can make use of the brand new Foursquare Lists feature unveiled yesterday. You know, “Presidential Hotspots,” “Best Rose Gardens,” or “Best DC BBQ Places.” Will you follow The White House on Foursquare? Let us know in the comments.