
Post – Google Penguin Update Content Tips Endorsed By Matt Cutts

Marc Ensign published a good blog post about staying on good terms with Google, in the post-Penguin world. There are plenty of posts out there on this topic. I’ve seen a fair amount of pretty good ones, but this one might be worth paying particular attention to.

The post, titled “Google Shakeup: Coming To A Website Near You” has a bullet list for steps to a sound content strategy. There are certainly plenty of good posts on this subject out there too, but Google’s head of webspam Matt Cutts gave something of an endorsement to this list on Twitter in a conversation with Ensign.

@mattcutts You have a sense of humor, right? Picturing you with black hair and a nose ring seemed like a good idea http://t.co/yBlnCdFQ 23 hours ago via web ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

@MarcEnsign over the years I’ve grown a pretty thick skin. 🙂 17 hours ago via web ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

@mattcutts C’mon, you know we all love you! We really don’t have a choice! 🙂 Would love to hear your thoughts on my post if you have time. 17 hours ago via web ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

@MarcEnsign the bullet points looked solid. I haven’t seen Happy Feet 2, so I can’t vouch for that part. 😉 17 hours ago via web ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

So the bullet points from Ensign’s post, Cutts says, “looked solid” include:

  • Create a blog and consistently build up your site into a wealth of valuable content.
  • Work with a PR firm or read a book and start writing legitimate press releases on a regular basis and post them on your site.
  • Visit blogs within your industry and leave valuable feedback in their comments section.
  • Link out to other valuable resources within your industry that would benefit your visitors.
  • Share everything you are creating on 2 or 3 of your favorite social media sites of choice.
  • Position yourself as an expert.

I should make a point about that second-to-last one. Sharing EVERYTHING you are creating on 2 or 3 social networks. In another article, we looked at a Webmaster Help video Cutts posted in response to a user submitted question about using your Twitter account like an RSS service for every article you post.

While Cutts indicated that doing that isn’t going to be a problem as far as Google’s quality guidelines, he said it can be annoying if you do it with every post, and you post a whole lot of content. I made the case for why it depends on how the user is using Twitter.

Just seemed worth pointing out.

Note:I know I’ve written a whole lot about Matt Cutts lately. I’m not stalking him. I promise. It’s just that webmasters want to rank in Google, and he’s obviously the go-to guy for advice, so it seems appropriate that people know about what he’s saying on these topics. Hence, our extensive Matt Cutts coverage. By the way, perusing that coverage is advised. On our Matt Cutts page, you’ll find a plethora of great advice right from Cutts.