
Hack Displays Porn To Young Children At South Carolina Best Buy

Say what you want about what was broadcast for a couple of minutes at one South Carolina Best Buy, but it was probably better than that repetitive Dave Matthews Band concert that they usually show.

Customers in Greenville, South Carolina are shocked after they were subject to a few minutes of porn. The pornographic image was broadcast on the store’s 55-inch HD flatscreen, so we can be pretty certain that almost everyone in the store got an eyeful.

Apparently, the images were pretty graphic – at least according to one woman who says she has never watched porn:

“It was extremely, extremely pornographic image,” surprised customer Gloria Berg told WSPA, the local CBS affiliate. “I think even the word ‘pornographic’ doesn’t cover it. I have never watched pornography, so I don’t know what else you can see there, but to me, I really felt extremely violated.”

In all seriousness, this is a pretty big screw up for Best Buy. I certainly wouldn’t be offended by a little porn during my afternoon shopping, but this unexpected show was reportedly seen by multiple kids. Plus, the images were displayed for minutes before a manager was able to take them down.

Best Buy released a statement to WSPA, claiming that a wi-fi hack was to blame:

Two individuals accessed our store’s wireless signal to broadcast inappropriate content on a smart television display. In both cases, we worked immediately to disable the inappropriate content. We greatly apologize for this unfortunate incident and we are working to ensure that it does not happen again.

Best Buy wouldn’t go into any more details, and they wouldn’t say if they knew the identities of the two individuals responsible. But the Berg’s have filed a complaint for “dissemination of pornographic material.”

[Image Courtesy Flickr]