
Playdom Enters Facebook Credits Deal

electronic devices

Facebook Credits are fast becoming the official currency of developers everywhere.  Following recent announcements involving LOLapps, CrowdStar, RockYou, and Wooga, Playdom has also entered a deal that will see it using nothing other than Facebook Credits for the next handful of years.

Playdom is an important developer, with millions of people enjoying its apps.  By establishing a deal with it, Facebook’s ensured that a whole lot of folks will be exposed to Facebook Credits.  It’s not hard to imagine that usage will increase as a result.

The ramifications of this partnership don’t end there, either.  Since Disney acquired Playdom earlier this week, Facebook’s now officially got the largest entertainment conglomerate in the world as its pal.  That could pay off in a big way when it comes to advertising.  Or simply PR.

Anyway, if you’re curious about the terms of the deal, a Facebook spokesperson confirmed to Chris Morrison, "Facebook has entered into a five-year agreement with Playdom for the company to use Facebook Credits as the exclusive way to transact in its games on the Facebook Platform. . . .  As part of the relationship, Playdom will receive the same revenue share as other developers on Facebook."

No other details were disclosed.

Some of Playdom’s top apps include Mobsters, Overdrive, and Poker Palace, if you’re curious.