
Playboy Radio Supports Rush Limbaugh’s Use of the Word Slut

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Playboy Radio’s morning show hosts on Sirius support Rush Limbaugh in his right to call Sandra Fluke a “slut”. Andrea Lowell and Kevin Klein often use politically incorrect speech themselves and seemed perplexed as to what is so wrong with using the word slut. Andrea Lowell stated that she often uses the word “slut” when talking to friends and sometimes that is just the right description. Kevin Klein said that he has used the word himself in interviews with girls on the radio show. It’s often for humor but there usually is some truth in it somewhere, Klein indicated. He elaborated that when he calls girls a slut it doesn’t mean they are always a slut, but most of them have done something at some point that they would call slutty!

The Playboy hosts reference Hugh Hefner by saying, “After all, isn’t that what Hef’s whole approach was when he created Playboy?” They were referring to the idea of sexual openness where people aren’t so uptight about mere words with sexual connotations.

The duo also referenced the L.A. City Council’s resolution urging “the management of radio and television stations in Los Angeles to do everything in their power to ensure that their on-air hosts do not use and promote racist and sexist slurs over public airwaves in the City of Los Angeles”. Lowell chimed in, “Isn’t there free speech in this country?” Kevin agreed and wondered why the L.A. City Council doesn’t seem to get that. Kevin Klein added that he didn’t think this applied to their show because they are on SiriusXM Satellite Radio.

The resolution was in response to the controversy over on-air statements by KFI 640 talk radio hosts John Kobylt and Ken Chiampou of the John and Ken Show. John Kobylt commented following Whitney Houston’s death:

“Here comes the crack ho again, what’s she going to do? Oh, look at that, she’s doing handstands next to the pool. Very good, crack ho, nice – but — after a while everybody’s exhausted. And then you find out she’s dead. It’s like, really, took this long? I am just saying that’s the natural reaction, people get worn out by this stuff.”

John and Ken were actually suspended for this statement on the grounds that this was a racist comment. Andrea Lowell asked, “How is this racist? There is no race mentioned when calling her a crack ho!”

Ironically, the coroners report was issued Friday that confirmed that cocaine use was a major factor in Houston’s death.