
Planet Of The Apes Theme Wedding To Start New Trend?

It’s spring and love is in the air. Wedding season is kicking off as the weather warms up and brides begin to look forward to their big day. Some will have the traditional gown, church aisle, veil, and the whole bit.

Some may opt for a more modern spin on the ordeal or go for an outdoor wedding, perhaps barefoot on the beach. Some might take a hint from Judy Greer and her husband and go for an off the wall weird theme like Alice in Wonderland, Fairytale, or I don’t know, Planet of the Apes. So romantic.

Judy Greer said on Conan that those other played out themes are “cheesy”, and wanted to go with something else.

Her husband’s love for the Planet of the Apes movies as well as her upcoming role in Dawn of the Planet of the Apes influenced her choices. During the cocktail hour of the event, they had Rise of the Planet of the Apes playing on one screen and the original Planet of the Apes on another.


As for her husband’s gift, she gave him a Rolex watch with the phrase “Ape shall not kill ape”, admitting that it should have been “Ape shall never kill ape”. The guests ate wedding cake topped with two chimps, instead of the traditional bride and groom miniatures.

This is great to ponder for all of you brides-to-be. Perhaps considering your husbands likes could influence your choices a little more as you plan for the big kickoff of your new life together.

Could there be a new trend toward man-themed weddings this season? I could see Hooters weddings happening, with hot wings served to grandma by a young lady in orange hotpants. Or maybe some will go with a Top Gear theme or a wedding where nothing is served but meat.

This could get interesting, people.

Image via YouTube