
Pinterest Enhances Group Boards

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Despite of Pinterest’s meteoric launch and rise to popularity, recents reports have shown that the photo-sharing pinboard site might be losing steam – and users. Still, fluctuations in user base are likely just signs of growth, and Pinterest has been likewise augmenting some of its features, as it expands. The site recently added the capability of pinning Vimeo content to its boards, and now Pinterest is implementing changes to its group boards, beginning tomorrow.

Henceforth, when a Pinterest user is asked to join a group board, they will be asked via email to confirm, and invitations will only be visible on a user’s dashboard. If a user accepts, they will be added as a collaborator, and the new board will appear to their profile. Here is a screen of the new change:


Pinterest has also made the setting on their boards more clear. Creators of boards are more clearly marked, and collaborators, along with who invited them are listed below. Collaborators can be removed by clicked the ‘X’ next to their name:


In light of the aforementioned drop in user base, Pinterest has reported that it’s highest number of visitors to its site ever this week. These sort of fluctuations are likely just growing pains.