Pinterest Buys Livestar, Shuts Down App

Pinterest just announced that it has agreed to acquire Livestar, an app that helps people find local recommendations from friends and others. The app will be shutting down, and he engineering talent w...
Pinterest Buys Livestar, Shuts Down App
Written by Chris Crum

Pinterest just announced that it has agreed to acquire Livestar, an app that helps people find local recommendations from friends and others. The app will be shutting down, and he engineering talent will be part of the Pinterest team.

“We think the Livestar team is a natural fit for Pinterest because of their commitment to inspiring people to do things in their everyday lives through social and expert recommendations,” a spokesperson for Pinterest says in an email.

“The Livestar engineering team will be joining Pinterest in the coming weeks,” she says. “CEO and founder Fritz Lanman will not be joining the team, but he will continue to advise Pinterest. An active angel investor in startups including Pinterest, Fritz will continue to invest and advise startups and will be undertaking a new, yet to be announced project.”

“Our goal at Livestar is to help people find great recommendations from friends, critics and strangers with similar taste,” says the Livestar team in its own announcement. “Over the last two years, the Livestar community has shared millions of ratings and reviews. Today we wanted to let you know that we’ll be making our next move: the Livestar engineering team will be joining Pinterest.”

The Livestar app will be shutting down immediately.

Terms of the deal were not disclosed.

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