PHP Upgraded To Version 5.4.14, PCRE Library Merged

Those who use PHP are in for a treat this month as the development team has released updates for both the current and old versions, 5.4 and 5.3 respectively, of the scripting language. There’s n...
PHP Upgraded To Version 5.4.14, PCRE Library Merged
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Those who use PHP are in for a treat this month as the development team has released updates for both the current and old versions, 5.4 and 5.3 respectively, of the scripting language. There’s nothing major, of course, but there are a number of bug fixes that developers should be aware of.

Starting with PHP 5.4, the latest update brings it up to version 5.4.14. With this update, the team has fixed more than 10 bugs. Here’s the full changelog:


  • Fixed bug #64529 (Ran out of opcode space).
  • Fixed bug #64515 (Memoryleak when using the same variablename two times in function declaration).
  • Fixed bug #64432 (more empty delimiter warning in strX methods).
  • Fixed bug #64417 (ArrayAccess::&offsetGet() in a trait causes fatal error).
  • Fixed bug #64370 (microtime(true) less than $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT’]).
  • Fixed bug #64239 (Debug backtrace changed behavior since 5.4.10 or 5.4.11).
  • Fixed bug #63976 (Parent class incorrectly using child constant in class property).
  • Fixed bug #63914 (zend_do_fcall_common_helper_SPEC does not handle exceptions properly).
  • Fixed bug #62343 (Show class_alias In get_declared_classes()).
  • PCRE:

  • Merged PCRE 8.32.
  • SNMP:

  • Fixed bug #61981 (OO API, walk: $suffix_as_key is not working correctly).
  • Zip:

  • Fixed bug #64452 (Zip crash intermittently). (Anatol)
  • Those who are still on version 5.3, the team has released a smaller update (version 5.3.24) with a number of bug fixes. It also includes the same PCRE library merge that was included in the latest version of PHP 5.4, as well as the same Zip crash bug.


  • Fixed bug #64370 (microtime(true) less than $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT’]).
  • Fixed bug #63914 (zend_do_fcall_common_helper_SPEC does not handle exceptions properly).
  • Fixed bug #62343 (Show class_alias In get_declared_classes()).
  • PCRE:

  • Merged PCRE 8.32.
  • mysqlnd:

  • Fixed bug #63530 (mysqlnd_stmt::bind_one_parameter crashes, uses wrong alloc for stmt->param_bind).
  • DateTime:

  • Fixed bug #62852 (Unserialize Invalid Date causes crash).
  • Zip:

  • Fixed bug #64452 (Zip crash intermittently).
  • If you want to the source code for either version 5.4.14 or 5.3.24, you can grab it here. If you need PHP for Windows, you can grab the latest versions here.

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