
People Really Do Give Up Porn for Baby Jesus

Pornhub’s primary purpose is, well, streaming all the porn the public can handle. And usually, that’s a lot of porn. But recently, Pornhub has begun to fashion itself as amateur porn statistician – and why not? With all that data you’re bound to come up with some interesting findings.

Pornhub calls them “Pornhub Insights” and they may have just published the funniest one yet.

Ok, this is just amazing. Pornhub looked at how certain global events – sporting events, big news events, holidays, and TV moments – impacted porn viewing across the world.

“The Pornhub statisticians have been hard at work measuring the impact of various worldwide events on the traffic numbers of the world’s biggest porn site. With over 1 billion monthly visits the amount of data was immense to process and analysis, the result of their long Red Bull fueled nights is the infographic below for your data pleasure. The stats show that people pull themselves away from their favorite website just long enough to watch things like the Olympics, the World Series, Presidential elections etc. We can form this conclusion based upon the actual drops in traffic to Pornhub during these events in different regions throughout the world. We also observed that traffic spikes as soon as the event ends and we’re here to welcome you with open arms,” says Pornhub.

The standout finding? People everywhere really cut back on the porn on Christmas. Well, except for the Japanese – which can’t be all that surprising.

Is it because everyone is too stuffed from rounds 2, 3, and 4 of the family Christmas feast? Is it because people are too busy spending time with extended family to take care of themselves? Probably. Maybe a little bit of Christian guilt? Most likely.

The data for other major events is also fascinating. For instance, during the 2012 Super Bowl, Pornhub’s traffic went down 22% in the U.S. and 41% in Boston specifically.

When Osama bin Laden was confirmed dead, porn viewing went down 7% in the U.S. But when the Mayan calendar ended and everyone thought the world was going to end – porn party! Traffic went up 10%.

I’m presenting this in a rather light manner, but this is some seriously interesting stuff, sociologically. Take a look at Pornhub’s interactive infographic (SFW) and check out how porn was affected by other big events.

Image via Thinkstock