
PayPal Opens New Customer Service/Operations Center

Thanks to PayPal, the unemployment rate in Chandler, Arizona should dive rather soon.  PayPal announced today that it’s opening a new customer service and operations center in the city, and the center is designed to accommodate as many as 2,000 employees.

This move earned PayPal a warm reception from Chandler’s mayor, Jay Tibshraeny.  He stated, "PayPal is a very welcome addition to Chandler and the region on many levels.  From job creation and the diversification of the city’s business base, to PayPal’s excellent reputation as a quality employer, we are excited to have them join Chandler in the Price Corridor."

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer also applauded the development.  She said, "This new facility will bring good quality jobs to the East Valley.  PayPal is the kind of fast-growing, tech-savvy company that is attracted to Arizona for its business-friendly and high-tech environment.  I commend PayPal for investing in our shared future."

And of course, merchants and ordinary PayPal users should benefit from the expansion as PayPal intends to offer improved support to customers all over the world.

Anyone who lives near Chandler and is interested in a job can check out openings here.

Other U.S. PayPal centers are located in Maryland, Nebraska, and Texas.  Overseas centers have been set up in India, Ireland, Israel, Malaysia, and Singapore.