
PayPal Announces One Touch Payment Feature


As you may recall, eBay bought payments platform Braintree for $800 million last fall. Now, PayPal and Braintree have introduced One Touch, a new way to pay for things in mobile apps. In fact, it’s the fastest way to do so, according to the company.

One Touch payments are open for developer beta with select merchants for the time being. Those using the Braintree v.zero SDK and all PayPal app users will be able to use it soon. In a post on the PayPal blog, the company says:

With One Touch, PayPal’s 152+ million active users will be able to securely pay in many of their favorite mobile apps in a single touch, making remembering user IDs, passwords and card numbers a thing of the past. One Touch payments will be the magical experience that every mobile user will come to expect, not unlike the experience PayPal pioneered for online shopping and paying many years ago.

You’ll soon discover that checking out with One Touch will enable you to easily, quickly and securely pay in a single touch. Of course, you’ll be able to opt in and out of the experience by app and choose any source of funding – from your PayPal balance, credit card or linked bank account – with each purchase. This One Touch experience will be the absolute fastest way to pay on a mobile device, letting you get what you want when you want it.

PayPal is sure to note that there is no trade off of security when you use One Touch. It’s just as secure as any other PayPal transaction, they say.

The beta is open to select developers in the U.S. using Braintree v.zero SDK.

Image via PayPal