
Patriots Win The Mobile Super Bowl

Although the big game on Sunday between the New England Patriots and the New York Giants has yet to be decided, we can say, with certainty, that the Patriots have won the Mobile Super Bowl.

The Interactive Advertising Bureau gives us this fun infographic that has Giants and Patriots fans do battle for mobile supremacy. It aims to answer the question: Which sports fans are more mobile savvy? And by a close margin of 116 to 114, The New Englanders take the prize.

Out of the 70% of Americans that say they’ll watch the Super Bowl, 56% say that they will be using their smartphones during the game for a variety of activities like texting, tweeting, and stat-checking. Although the Super Bowl will be streaming (officially) this year and available to Verizon customers on their phones, only 4% of people say that they will watch the entire game on their device.

Check out the full infographic below and be sure to follow our social coverage of the Super Bowl here. If the actual Super Bowl is anywhere near as hotly contested as the Mobile Super Bowl, I’d say we all have an enjoyable Sunday in our future.