
OneNote Goes Free On Windows And Mac

Are you a Mac user that stares longingly at your friend’s Windows desktop wishing you had access to OneNote? Well, stare no longer as Microsoft has finally ported its note keeping app to your platform of choice.

Microsoft announced this morning that OneNote is now available for Mac. With this addition, OneNote is now available on pretty much every platform, including major mobile platforms. In other words, you can now sync notes between a Mac Pro, a Surface 2, an Android tablet and a Windows Phone; or any other combination of devices in your life.

In even better news, Microsoft announced this morning that OneNote is now free on every platform as well. Even on desktop platforms, you can now keep track of your life through short notes without spending a cent. If you feel compelled to throw some money at Microsoft, you’ll get premium features that are only available to paid subscribers.

Saving the best for last, Microsoft also announced that OneNote now has a cloud API. In other words, applications can now connect to OneNote to provide users with a connected experience. Have a grocery list app? The developers can now hook up with OneNote to sync your list across all devices.

If you want to try out OneNote, you can do so here.

Image via officevideos/YouTube