
Nurse Left Suicide Note After Middleton Prank

Jacintha Saldanha, the nurse who took her own life after she was the victim of a hospital prank regarding Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton, left a suicide note, it was revealed today.

Few details have emerged regarding the final hours of Saldanha’s life, and the contents of the note have not been released. The family is still dealing with the aftermath of the tragedy and want to keep as much as they can to themselves.

Middleton was briefly hospitalized for her severe morning sickness symptoms just days after it was revealed she was pregnant; Saldanha reportedly put a call through during Middleton’s stay which was from two Australian DJs posing as members of the royal family. When the media learned of her mistake, the news went viral immediately and a backlash ensued, with Saldanha firmly stuck in the middle.

Saldanha left behind her husband, Benedict Barboza, and their two children, 14-year old Lisha and 16-year old Junal. The hospital has announced it will conduct a full investigation into her death; meanwhile, the two DJs have issued tearful apologies and their radio station, 2DayFM, has announced they will donate $500,000 to a fund set up for Saldanha’s family.

Image: Sky News