
Nokia’s Limited Edition ‘Dark Knight Rises’ Phone

As the viral campaigns for next summer’s Dark Knight Rises heats up — did you see the teaser poster? — perhaps the most desirable tie-in has been unveiled, although, by “most desirable,” I mean “hardest to acquire.” You see, Nokia’s TDKR tie-in phone will only be available on a limited basis.

Incredibly limited, to be exact.

According to The Verge, Nokia will only be making 40 of the Windows Phone 7-powered “Dark Knight” Lumia 800s. As in, 40 for the entire world. Needless to say, if you want to get your hands on one of these gems, get ready for some serious eBay bidding action.

As indicated, the TDKR phone is a dressed-up version of the well-reviewed Nokia Lumia 800, which is actually now available in the United States. Unfortunately, there’s no word on when the Dark Knight version will be available. Whatever the case, the package the phone arrives in is pretty cool, too:

TDKR Phone Case

On the back of the phone case, there’s also a laser etched Batman logo. The phone’s software also features what’s described as a, “movie tie-in Live Tile visible on the screen,” although, uncertainty surrounds what function the app serves or what it will do when the user activates it, provided someone is lucky to acquire, and then actually use it as a phone. Considering the exclusivity surrounding the TDKR Nokia, there’s no telling whether a willing user will get their hands on one or not.

There’s also a video of the phone in action, just to entice you that much more:

Just don’t expect much in the way of consumer satisfaction in relation to your enticement.