
No SOPA Chrome Extension Notifies You When You Visit Sites That Hate The Internet

Worried that your average, everyday interweb browsing could be inadvertently supporting the Stop Online Piracy Act? Well, you’re in luck.

Now there’s an extension for your Chrome browser that will notify you when you visit a website of any company or organization that is known to support SOPA.

It’s called No SOPA and was created by Andy Baird (@ajbaird) and Tony Webster (@webster).

“Boycott? Nasty letter time? You decide,” they say.

Users have reported that some sites have not prompted the big red bar that denotes the site as a SOPA-supporting property. The creators say that they will attempt to improve the list as they go. Applicable domains are “checked against a local list – the extension does not communicate with any external hosts.”

Here’s the extension in action:

And again:

While being notified when you are frequenting the property of someone who wants to kills the internet is important, will it work? Would you immediately stop browsing a site if you saw that little red bar? I would assume that anyone who would install the extension would steer clear of any site baring the warning label.

If only we could make the extension mandatory…

If you want to read more on SOPA, check here.

[Via Reddit]