
No More Facebook? Women Would Suffer The Most

After spending a little over a week abroad with some less-than-predictable wi-fi connectivity, I kind of missed social media. Sure, I was taking in beautiful architecture and every cured meat and cheese I could find, so the allure of my friends’ Facebook chatter wasn’t all that strong. But I must say, I definitely missed being plugged-in to the real-time infostream that social media provides.

But apparently, I’m abnormal. According to a new survey from the UK’s BT Retail, only 7% of men said that they would miss social media the most in a world bereft of internet.

The survey, which involved over 2,000 Brits, found that women are the more social-media crazy of the sexes. Compared to the men’s virtual lack of concern over the hypothetical lack of social media, 18% of women said that they would miss social media the most if the internet ceased to exist.

Over half of women said they actively use social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, while only 34% of men claimed the same.

The study also looked at other ways the sexes used the internet and found that (surprise) women are more apt to use it to look up shopping deals. Apparently, men are more likely to use the interwebs to “supplement their learning.”

So, what would men miss the most if it’s not Facebook and Twitter? Stuff like online banking, according to the survey.

“This research makes it clearer than ever how the nation has embraced the internet across all aspects of life and, in particular, the different way men and women use the Internet. People now take for granted that they can manage their life all in one place, from shopping and banking to entertainment and social media,” said BT’s John Petter.

Not only do people take it for granted, but many don’t fully realize how addicted they are to the constant hum of the web. Last year, young people across the world participated in an experiment that asked them to unplug from the internet for a day. The results were astounding, as they reported feelings of depression, isolation, and despair. “Emptiness overwhelmed me,” said one participant.

It’s pretty clear that a large portion of the population would be crippled without the internet, but according to this survey, what would hurt the most would depend on your chromosomes.

[Via Telegraph]