
Nine New Apps Join Google Apps Marketplace

Today, Google Apps users have as many as nine new reasons to be glad they’re hooked into the service.  That’s because nine new apps have been introduced to the Google Apps Marketplace, making for a substantial number of ways people can save time and streamline their work routine.

To provide a brief summary of the apps (and their purposes): Acunote is an online project management tool.  Backupify safeguards Calendar, Contacts, Docs, Gmail, and Sites info.  DeskAway deals in project collaboration.  Form Lizzard aims to help with form completion.

Ketera then tries to help businesspeople save money and forge new connections, and LumoFlow offers social collaboration workspaces.  The MangoSpring Collaboration Suite integrates MangoApps, RescueTime is a time management aid, and ToBeeDo is a task management service.

That’s a pretty interesting collection.  Unfortunately, not all of the apps are free, but some free trial periods are at least available so that companies don’t have to commit their cash to ill-fitting solutions.

On the Official Google Enterprise Blog, Harrison Shih, a member of the Google Apps Marketplace Team, also suggested, "Join us next Wednesday when we hold a live webinar to discuss with a few of the app creators on maximizing your productivity with these apps."

The webinar’s scheduled to take place at 2 PM EDT and its formal title is "Increase productivity with new Google Apps Marketplace Apps."