
Nicki Minaj Vs. Mariah Carey: It Finally Happened

When the news was announced that Nicki Minaj and Mariah Carey would be sharing judging duties on “American Idol”, people familiar with both songstresses immediately went, “Whoa”. It seemed like a bad combination, and not in a fun, Paula-and-Simon kind of way. These two are well known for their attitudes, and the clash–when it inevitably happened–would be epic.

Well, it didn’t take long. TMZ has obtained some footage of Nicki going off on Mariah while sitting at the judges’ table, with Keith Urban sitting uncomfortably between them. It’s blurry and a little hard to decipher because so many people are talking at once, but you get the gist. Mariah calls Nicki a 3-year old, and Nicki says “I’m not sitting here for 20 million having her look down here, reprimanding everyday. No.” Mariah then appears to call her a “crazy bitch”, but you can decide for yourself who won.