
NFL Allowing Players To Tweet During Pro Bowl

According to CNBC’s Darren Rovell, NFL players will be allowed to tweet during the Pro Bowl game in special areas on the sidelines.

Of course with the strict rules the NFL has with social media like Twitter and Facebook, the players will not be using their own personal phones or tablets, rather they will be using “a computer station set up on each sideline” as quoted by Rovell. With the Pro Bowl game being more of a of skill show rather than a competitive game, the NFL’s laxation on the rules is understandable.

Even with the “Freedom of Tweets”, the inability to use personal devices seems a little funny. Rovell tweeted that the stations are “unsponsored”, meaning they won’t sport any brand names. However, do you suppose the NFL will eventually become permanently lax and let players tweet every game or, do you think it’s just a one time deal? Let us know in the comments