
New Year’s Eve Google+ Style

Singer songwriter Daria Musk is hosting a worldwide Google+ On Air Hangout to ring in the New Year. In a Google+ update, she pitched her idea as follows:

1. I host a Hangouts-On-Air broadcast ’round the clock on New Years Eve.
2. You join from around the world at midnight in your time zone!!
3. Add yourself to this Google Doc: http://bit.ly/tjK5sH

She is using the Google Doc to organize who will join at what times, and to create circles for each time zone.

“We can’t show the celebrations on TV, who needs TV when you’ve got friends around the world to celebrate with!?” she writes. “So it will be extra cool if you live somewhere where you can show us some fireworks or festivities in your city!! In the Google Doc you can fill in your ideas for what you can show us!”

Apparently response to the idea has been pretty strong so far, as she indicated in a follow-up post.

It’s an interesting way to use Google Hangouts. I’ll give her that.

I wonder how many participants will be dressed like George Clooney.