
New Lost Planet 3 Trailer Gets Inside Jim’s Head

Though the game seems destined to be quickly forgotten this fall amidst the excitement over Grand Theft Auto V and various next-generation console launch titles, Lost Planet 3 is still on-track for a late summer release. The title will be out for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC on August 27.

Capcom today released a new trailer for Lost Planet 3. The video highlights main character Jim and his inner monologue about what it takes to survive along in a harsh environment. A few of the monsters Jim will face are featured, as well as a glimpse of the character’s backstory:

Gamers who pre-order Lost Planet 3 will get access to some extra DLC “RIG” upgrades and five extra characters for the game’s multiplayer mode, including Hunk from the Resident Evil games. A preview of the game’s multiplayer modes can be seen here, and an older (but pretty long) gameplay video can be found here.