
New iPad Making Its Way Into The Wild, Gets First Unboxing Video

Late last week we brought you news that Apple had already begun shipping their latest iPad to customers. Those who pre-ordered the new iPad were getting shipment notifications that showed a scheduled delivery date of March 16th, though UPS tracking numbers showed the tablets still sitting in China awaiting transport to their destination.

Now, however, it seems that at least one of the new iPads has made its way into the wild before Friday’s release. Vietnamese site Tinhte.vn has gotten their hands on a 16GB WiFi + 4G iPad, and have kindly posted an unboxing video to YouTube. The video shows several important details of the iPad, including its retina display, improved camera, and 4G capability (in the form of a settings toggle that can be used to turn 4G on and off).

The video is, unsurprisingly, in Vietnamese. That means that those of us not fortunate enough to speak Vietnamese will have to settle for watching the unboxing without knowing what’s being said. Check out the video below.

Fortunately, the good folks at Tinhte.vn did not stop with the video. They also downloaded and ran GeekBench, an app designed to quickly provide performance benchmarks on a variety of devices, on the new iPad. The GeekBench data revealed several important details about the iPad. For one thing, the A5X processor runs at 1.00 GHz. For another, the new iPad does, in fact, have 1 GB of RAM, as expected. You can read their post and see screenshots of the GeekBench report here (Google Translation)