
New iPad In High Demand In The Business World

With just three days left until Apple’s new iPad becomes available in stores, the tablet is already seeing an unprecedented level of demand. Apple’s initial stock of pre-order devices was depleted just two days after the new iPad was unveiled last Wednesday. Late last week delivery times shipped from March 16th to the 19th. Now those who order the new iPad will have to wait 2-3 weeks, according to the latest information from Apple’s website.

iPad Price Chart

Now it looks like consumers won’t be the only ones standing in line for the new iPad. A recent study released by ChangeWave shows that demand for the iPad in the business world is reaching an all-time high. A survey of 1,604 IT buyers showed that the iPad far outstrips the competition when it comes to planned tablet purchases by businesses.

According to the survey, nearly a quarter (22%) of respondents said that they planned to purchase tablets for their employees in the second quarter of 2012. Of those who plan to make such purchases, a remarkable 84% said that they planned to purchase iPads. That’s a 7-point increase from November of 2011, when 77% said they planned to buy iPads.

Planned iPad Buying By Businesses

With the iPad in such a strong position, there’s not much left over for other tablet makers. The study found that while Apple gained, everybody else lost. Just 8% of respondents said they intended to buy Samsung tablets, down from 10% in November. Amazon and HP each dropped a single point – from 7% to 6% and from 5% to 4%, respectively. RIM, which once reigned supreme in the mobile business market, was near the bottom of the pile. Just 3% of respondents said they planned to purchase BlackBerry PlayBook tablets, compared to 5% in November.

iPad vs. Other Tablets

Apple has been making big strides in the business world in recent months. In early February news came to light that energy giant Halliburton was planning to switch to Apple’s iOS platform from BlackBerry. Just a few days later there were reports that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) was planning to do the same. Then, just two weeks ago, the ATF became the latest organization to make the switch to iOS.

Is your business planning on buying the new iPad? Will you be switching from any other platform? Let us know in the comments.