
New Grand Theft Auto Trailer, Chris Paul Sucks at Family Feud, Don’t Run from the Law

A nice mix of videos today, and I think the lesson is, at least from one of them, is don’t try and run from the law, even if you have a getaway plane. The new Grand Theft Auto trailer looks awesome, and Chris Paul, a wizard on the basketball court, isn’t as good at playing the Feud. In other words, it’s today’s top videos.

More of which can be seen here.

I’ll start us off with an attempt to escape from the law, one that fails miserably thanks to the innovate pursuit skills of the cops giving chase:

Now that’s how you take down a criminal. Now for Chris Paul’s Family Feud failure:

In other news, too many games, so little time:

A zombie apocalypse 5K run sounds like a blast:

How Hollywood uses computers in their storytelling. Too bad they don’t work like this in real life:

The two-legged dog just might break your heart:

An awesome animated look at the potential troubles regarding space flight: