
New Google Chrome Ads Eschew Comedy for Dramatic Moments

Let it never be said that Google doesn’t promote their products. Granted, they aren’t big adopters of television advertising — save for their famous Super Bowl commercial — but that doesn’t mean they won’t use other mediums to entice would-be adopters of Google Tech, like, say, YouTube.

With that in mind, the Google Chrome YouTube page has recently debuted two new videos, and much like the Super Bowl commercial, the “ads” feature a myriad of ways Google’s web browser can make your life easier. As indicated, the videos don’t make much use of the humorous approach, instead of relying on more on the dramatic. Of the two videos, one is receiving the majority of the publicity because of its subject matter: An appeal to persecuted gay people, saying that life does indeed get better.

The “It Gets Better” commercial also appeared as a televised commercial, appearing during the latest episode of Glee. To create “It Gets Better,” Google made use of content from the “It Gets Better” channel, a service started by Dan Savage. Savage is, among other things, a gay activist who created the “It Gets Better” project as an invitation for positive content aimed at bullied, and/or persecuted gay people.

Some of contributed videos include such celebrities and dignitaries like the White House Staff, staff members from NBC Universal, Senator Sherrod Brown, David Cameron, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, and staff members from Apple, to name a few.

Check out the Google Chrome commercial and see what you think:

As for the other Google Chrome commercial, the subject of fatherhood is discussed; specifically, using Google Chrome to preserve memories of your children. In “Dear Sophie,” Chrome isn’t as much a browser as it is a scrapbook/time capsule. See for yourself:

One thing’s for sure, Sophie’s inbox is going to be awfully full. In fact, she may very well exceed the 7579 megabyte capacity before she’s a teenager — especially if dad keeps sending video files.

As for each commercial’s reception, the responses seem generally positive, with “likes” for both videos far exceeding the “dislikes.” One thing that stands out is the view count for “It Gets Better” far exceeds the count for “Dear Sophie” by over 100,000 views. Sure,the appearance on Glee had a lot to do with that, but “Dear Sophie” was run during the One Tree Hill time slot.

Apparently, Glee use the Internet more than their One Tree Hill counterparts.