
New Facebook Features Make It Easier for Users to Receive More Content from Pages They Like

In the past month, Facebook has been accused of slightly altering their EdgeRank algorithm – the one that determines what posts show up in your news feed. There has been widespread criticism from many page owners, who claim that their posts are becoming less and less visible on their fans’ news feeds due to the change. The theory coming out of the camp of miffed users is that Facebook is dialing back pages’ visibility in order to force pages to pay to promote their posts.

Facebook’s motivations aside, high profile Facebook users have spoken out about the problem. Now, a couple of new tests from the company may assuage some gripes by giving users the option to see most or all of the pages they follow’s posts.

Lisa Jenkins noticed that her navigation bar included a new link, to something called “Pages Feed.” It appeared right under the “like pages” link on the left-hand side under “Pages.” Upon investigation, she found that it took her to a feed of all of the updates from all of the pages she likes. Every one of them.

Inside Facebook found that any user can access their own personal “Pages Feed” right now, even if they don’t see the new section in their homepage navigation bar.

At Facebook.com/pages/feed, users are shown “recent updates from Pages they’re connected to.” Of course, this is currently in test mode and Facebook tests tons of features all the time – but this would allow users to interact with all of the content from pages with a single click from the homepage.

Another feature to increase Page visibility is the “Get Notifications” option. This allows users to hover over the “liked” button at the top of a Page’s Timeline and select to receive notifications every time that specific page makes a post.

“We are currently rolling out the ability for people to receive notifications from specific pages, friends, or public figures that they are connected to. This feature will help people keep up with the people and things that they care about most,” the company told All Facebook.