
Netflix Unveils New Android App that Mimics the Tablet Experience

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Last week, Netflix launched their all new iOS app that they said more closely resembles the Netflix experience on tablets. And today, the company has unveiled an all new Android app that also attempts to mimic the tablet version of the app.

“At the top of the new browse screen on Android phones is a row that lets you continue watching shows or movies that you previously started watching right where you left off, a very handy feature. The Instant Queue, available in some regions, is presented on the Home screen just below your Top 10 list. Lower down in the new experience are several personalized rows filled with movie and TV show recommendations,” says Netflix’s Director of Product Innovation Chris Jaffe.

This new browse screen setup looks a lot like what you’ll find on the iPhone app. The new Android app borrows even more features from the new iOS app, including the ability to browse new genre galleries. It also sports a new touch mechanism where a single tap brings up title information and a double tap immediately begins playback.

According to Jaffe, the app is now available to download in Google Play, and will only work on Android devices running Gingerbread and higher.