Netflix Employee: We’d Be Stupid to Ignore Android

In late June, it was discovered that Netflix had posted a job listing for an &qu...
Netflix Employee: We’d Be Stupid to Ignore Android
Written by Chris Crum

In late June, it was discovered that Netflix had posted a job listing for an "Android Video Playback Expert" under Partner Product Development. This appeared to indicate that the company had an Android app for streaming movies in mind.

Electronista points to some further confirmation on this at Reddit, where a Netflix employee wrote:

I just know we’re actively hiring Android devs. I wish I knew more about a timeframe for you. Good things come to those who wait. Netflix is essentially a tech company and with the way Android is blowing up it would be stupid of us to ignore that.

Android - May Soon be getting Netflix Blowing up indeed. Earlier this week, the NPD Group released a report indicating that one in three smartphones shipped in the U.S. runs the Android operating system.

As I said previously, this should only further Netflix’s advantages over the recently launched Hulu Plus, as well as give them a further head start against competitors like Redbox, which recently expressed interest in going the streaming route.

Also, consider that Google TV will be integrated with Android. This could theoretically turn any Google TV-ready device into a Netflix-ready device.

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