
Nearly a Quarter of Professionals Have Left a Big City Due to Remote Work

A new poll has revealed major changes in the American workforce, with some 23% of respondents moving from a big city due to remote work.

Blind is an anonymous network of verified professionals that communicate, share advice, provide feedback and more. Blind conducted a survey of some 6,135 professionals, between January 29 and February 8, 2021.

Since work from home (WFM) began, 23% of respondents said they have already relocated out of a major city, while 19% said “not yet,” likely indicating they are at least considering it.

The cities registering the largest exodus were San Francisco/Bay Area (47%), Seattle (16%) and New York City (14%). Austin, Boston, Dallas, Los Angeles, Miami and Raleigh collectively made up another 22%.

Just as telling is where professionals have opted to move. Austin was the biggest single destination (15%), followed by Seattle (9%), Miami (7%) and Arizona (4%). Interestingly, 66% moved to “other cities,” which included Atlanta, Denver, Honolulu and Nashville. The most unique response was “exploring the US in a minivan while WFH from Airbnb.”

Blind’s survey is the latest indication that WFM is here to stay. Companies looking to attract top talent will need to provide remote work options to remain competitive.