
Nasdaq Asks How Facebook Connects the World

It was recently reported that social networking giant Facebook presently has roughly 901 million active users. As the company files its IPO today, Nasdaq has asked some users how Facebook has better connected their world and altered their daily lives.

The high level of social connectivity is an obvious function of the social network, as users can be accessed by all sorts of strange people they knew in grade school they hadn’t seen in decades. It can be akin to the ultimate class reunion, for those personality types who live fro that sort of thing. Though, the platform is also good for reconnecting with long-lost family members, friends one can’t pick:


Facebook also helps with everyday productivity:


Or maybe the user meant that Facebook had kept her from doing housework.

Damodar Reddy of Kurnool calls the platform a role model for youth, and Giganto Machai half thanks Al Gore for the social network:


This user thanks Facebook for his wife, who he plans to move to his country sometime next year:

I met one of my ex-wives on Myspace, and am still kicking myself for not having met her on Facebook instead.

More of Facebook’s IPO can be found here.