
Nariko and Fortesque Join The Fray In PlayStation All-Stars

PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale may have a terrible name, but it has a fantastic lineup. The cast of characters – pulled from first-party and third-party franchises – easily matches up with the greats featured in Super Smash Bros. The latest additions to the game only add to the game’s appeal.

In their continued coverage and exclusive reveals, GameSpot posted a gameplay video that confirmed Nariko of Heavenly Sword and Sir Daniel Fortesque of MediEvil would be joining the cast of PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale. The two characters represent lesser known characters from within the PlayStation universe.

Nariko was at one time known as the Goddess of War as the first trailer for Heavenly Sword drew strong comparisons to God of War. Upon launch, Ninja Theory’s action-adventure title proved to be much more than that. It was a great argument for the PS3’s power and it featured some of best motion capture work in the industry.

Nariko’s play style is being described as “high risk, high reward.” A lot of her attacks have discernable pauses that could be easily exploited by attacking players. In that sense, she’s similar to Charizard in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

Fortesque is a fan favorite from the PlayStation era. The undead knight was the star of MediEvil and it’s sequel which both appeared on the original PlayStation. The games were known for their unique gothic style and British humor.

In PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, Fortesque is a much slower character. He puts an emphasis on defense with a large shield complimenting a lot of his attacks. His body makes him far more agile and harder to hit than other large characters like Fat Princess. In that sens, he’s similar to Star Wolf in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

You can check out the new characters in action below as they taken on Raiden and Evil Cole.

UPDATE: The video in question has been set to private. Perhaps somebody at GameSpot jumped the gun on the announcement. You can view it here once it goes live again.

UPDATE 2: Somebody grabbed it before it went down. Here’s the gameplay reveal in full: