
MySpace Lets Celebrities “HiJack” its Site to Attract Users

MySpace introduced what it’s referring to as "MySpace Hijacks" today. This is where curation of featured content on the site is taken over by celebrities, as if they had "hijacked" the site to bombard you with stuff they like. 

"On the heels of the newly redesigned Myspace, Hijacks is one of many content-focused initiatives supporting Myspace’s mission to provide the best social entertainment experience possible for the Gen Y audience," MySpace’s Laurie Spindler tells WebProNews.

The whole thing starts today with the Black Eyed Peas. "The Black Eyed Peas are set to reveal how they envision Myspace, transforming the site into the same augmented reality that inspired their latest album, The Beginning," explains Spindler. "The band will create that same beginning for Myspace, flipping key areas of the site into an 8-bit version, which is the style of retro video game."

Today we’re treated to fresh content from the Black Eyed Peas like pages for Avatar, Michael Jackson’s Billie Jean video, and Iron Man 1. Thanks BEP!

Black Eyed Peas Hijack MySpace

After the Peas run through their three-day takeover, users get to be bombarded with Jack Black. "Actor, musician, and cult idol ascendant, Jack Black will ‘Hijack’ Myspace with his own clever antics beginning on December 15," says Spindler. "In the theme of his upcoming film Gulliver’s Travels hitting theaters December 22, the actor’s takeover will focus on all things giant."

After that, more celebrities and musicians will participate. MySpace calls the initiative a way to  "discover their personal interests and passions, experience new products, get exclusive content and connect with them."

MySpace is much more focused on being an entertainment site these days than a social network. These "hijacks" reflect that, along with the company’s decision to include Facebook integration.