
My Little Pony Backpack Banned By School

Some schools have strict rules about backpacks and some don’t. The elementary schools in Buncombe County, N.C. don’t have such strict rules and students can choose to use the backpack of their choice as long as it doesn’t display offensive images or profanity. One school however seems to have something against My Little Pony and told a 9 year old boy that he was not allowed to wear his My Little Pony backpack to school any longer.

According to the boy’s mom, the school told her the backpack was a trigger for bullying and was disrupting the classroom and school hallways. The young boy, Grayson, had been having problems with bullies harassing him and making rude comments to and about him in class.

Grayson’s mom realized that something was going on when Grayson stopped wanting to go to school and would even refuse to get out of the car when she would drive him there. She asked the school guidance counselor for help and the school decided that the backpack was the problem.

“One of her suggestions was to hide it,” Grayson’s mom said. “She said that if you have something like this you’re asking for trouble.” Later, the principal called and told her to keep the backpack at home.

Grayson’s mom said she felt that the school was missing the point. “I said, ‘You’re missing the picture here. You’re telling him that it’s OK for them to make fun of him,” she said.

The bullying continued and got so bad that one child told Grayson to go home and kill himself. It was then that his mother decided to homeschool him. While Grayson may not have to deal with the bullying anymore, his mother is planning a meeting with school’s superintendent Thursday to talk about the incident and determine if anything can be done about the bullies so Grayson can return to school.

Grayson’s mother is hoping the school will find out who is responsible for bullying Grayson and see how the staff could have handled the situation better. Grayson’s mother and two of her friends created a Facebook page where people can leave encouraging comments to Grayson and other children who have been bullied or are being bullied.

How do you think the school should have handled the situation?

Image via YouTube