Twitter is a wonderful place for one-liners. To be funny on the site, you’ve got to be sharp and practice economy of language. You’ve only got 140 characters to make an impression.
And what better way to wind-down the work day than with a selection of some of the day’s most entertaining tweets.
Today we look at tweets about the McRib, Amy Winehouse, and Moleskine Notebooks. We also see two funny tweets from two of today’s most persistent trending hashtags.
So many people are complaining about the McRib I assume it’s made of old episodes of “Whitney”.
Coke dealers. Always sticking their business in other people’s noses
I’m guessing the worldwide average is about one great idea per every 2.7 million Moleskine notebooks.
There’s a mild sense of relief when a relationship ends that you don’t have to do any of the bullshit you promised.
My girlfriend keeps calling my new Touchpad an iPad.
Female Costume Guide: Black Bra (Slutty Cat) Green Bra (Slutty Tree) Red Bra (Slutty Apple) Blue Bra (Slutty Smurf) Yellow Bra (Slutty Bee)
“Serial killer” is a multiple murderer. “Cereal Killer” is a novelty song we really regret downloading when we were drunk.
#GhettoRamenNoodleFlavors Purple. Like the drank.
Kids, Knife-Sex Qaddafi is not an acceptable Halloween costume.
Carson Palmer reports to practice during Raiders bye week, but just to tailgate.
In other shocking news it’s been confirmed fire is hot.
Better to be silent & thought a fool than open your mouth & eat a McRib.
#StepsToSurviveAHorrorMovie: if you hear “Don’t Fear the Reaper” coming from a car stereo and it’s Oct 31 and you’re hot: get the fuck out.