
Mitt Romney-Lucille Bluth Mashup Is Awesome

If you know anything about Mitt Romney, you know he’s pretty good at putting his foot in his mouth. Even if you are a supporter of his, you have to admit, he says some things that–when taken out of context especially–are pretty outlandish. But when you put those words on a picture of Lucille Bluth, the boozy, hilarious matriarch of the “Arrested Development” family, you’ve got comedy gold.

Sadly, the show was cancelled while it was in its prime, moving on to that “cult status” limbo that all good things go to at one time or another. But have no fear, fans; it’s coming back in Netflix form in 2013 with several all-new episodes. Until then, have a gander at Lucille and picture her saying these outlandish things. Then remember where they really came from and laugh until your insides hurt.

Hat tip to Uproxx for unearthing these gems.





