
Microsoft Settles Patent Case With VirnetX For $200 Million

Microsoft said today it will pay Internet security software firm VirnetX Holding Corporation $200 million to get a patent license to settle litigation it infringed on two patents for communicating online.

Tom-Burt-Microsoft "We are pleased to work with VirnetX to bring these cases to a successful resolution through this settlement," said Tom Burt, corporate vice president and deputy general counsel, Microsoft Corporation.

"We look forward to VirnetX’s continued progress as it develops its technologies."

Under terms of the settlement Microsoft will take a license to VirrnetX patents for Microsoft products. All other aspects of the settlement and licenses were not disclosed.

"This Agreement highlights the need for VirnetX’s Secure Domain Name Initiative, and we believe that this successful resolution of our litigation with Microsoft will allow us to focus on the upcoming pilot system that will showcase VirnetX’s automatic Virtual Private Network technology," said Kendall Larsen, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of VirnetX Holding Corporation.

"We look forward to our continued work with our Secure Domain Name Initiative partners in that effort."