
Microsoft Adds Online Insertion Orders To Bing Ads

Microsoft announced that Bing Ads users can now create and manage insertion orders online through Bing Ads or the Bing Ads API. Included is a new workflow aimed at simplifying the billing process, and making it less time-consuming.

Users can create simply sign into Bing Ads, and create or approve IOs within the Accounts & Billing section. When an IO is accepted, the user gets an email, and it will be effective on the start date. They can be created 24/7, and approved and tracked online.

Bing Ads will send notifications when there are important changes to the IO, such as if one is created or accepted, or one is created by an account manager, and needs your review. It also lets you create overlapping IOs to avoid gaps in ad campaigns.

All previous IOs are also listed in the Insertion Orders section under Accounts & Billing. From there, you can click “Create Order” to get a creation form. There’s also an option to cancel orders.

More here.

Image via Bing