
Michele Bachmann: LGBT Activists Have Bullied Americans

Congresswoman Michele Bachmann claims that gays have bullied the Americans into voting against Senate Bill 1062. During the Conservative Political Action Conference last week, the Republican representative of Minnesota’s sixth district was interviewed by conservative radio host Lars Larson. She said that the bill’s downfall showed how LGBT activists have “bullied” politicians and voters into vetoing SB 1062.

According to Bachmann, there’s nothing about gays in the bill, and that the gay community have bullied the American people and intimidated politicians. She believes that politicians fear the gay community, who “think they get to dictate the agenda everywhere.” She thinks it has all gotten “a little tiresome.”

Listen to Michele Bachamann on Lars Larson radio show

SB 1062 would have denied gays service from establishments and businesses based on religious beliefs. If signed into law, the bill would have provided business owners facing discrimination lawsuits with a legal defense, and say that they had acted based on their religious beliefs. The bill was vetoed by Arizona Governor Jan Brewer in February. Among the politicians who recommended it to be turned down are 2012 presidential nominee Mitt Romney, and Senators John McCain and Jeff Flake.

Earlier this month, Bachmann expressed her opposition to Brewer’s decision. She said that she was sorry Brewer vetoed the bill, because she believes that “tolerance is a two-way street,” and added that the rights of people who have sincerely held religious beliefs should be respected, which means that the vetoing of the bill proved that there is an intolerance against them.

Bachmann believes that liberals, activist judges and President Obama have ignored the constitution. She describes the president as “lawless, violating the Constitution with every executive order.”

In 2006, Bachmann opposed an anti-bullying legislation, telling the Minnesota Legislature that such a bill would be a waste of time. “There have always been bullies,” she said, and added, “Will we be expecting boys to be girls?” Five years later, she dismissed the issue that bullying in schools targeted gay students, saying that it was not a federal concern.

 Michele Bachmann On Gays

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