
Michael Brown Verdict: Schools Will Be Told First

The Michael Brown verdict will be known likely before the end of November.

As the community of Ferguson and surrounding areas prepare for the reaction following the Michael Brown verdict, it has been reported that the schools in the area will be alerted of the verdict three hours before the media, or 24 hours if the decision is reached on a weekend.

Hazelwood School District spokesman Jack Wang says districts won’t be told what the decision is, but will be told only that a decision has been reached so that students can be released and have time to get home before possible protests break out.

Reportedly, at least 600 potential demonstrators have received training on how to protest peacefully following a grand jury announcement on the Michael Brown verdict. The organizers say they are stressing non-violence.


“We as a community of people, we aren’t going to use violent power,” said Michael McPhearson, co-chairman of the Don’t Shoot Coalition. “We’re going to use people power to change things.”

However, some in the community seem to have a much different agenda and four “hot spots” have been identified for violence. The Ferguson police station, a part of West Florissant Avenue near a convenience store that burned the day after Michael Brown’s death, a Clayton business district, and the Shaw Neighborhood, where an officer-involved fatal shooting occurred last month, will all likely be under heavy police and National Guard surveillance.


Some groups, like RbG Black Rebels, have made threats of violence against Officer Darren Wilson, Ferguson police, National Guard, and even shop owners who try to protect their livelihoods from looters.

Hopefully, the school district’s early alerts will help children be able to avoid any violence should any of these threats come to fruition after the Michael Brown verdict is announced.

What do you think of the possibility of extreme violence in and around Ferguson? Is it justified?