
Miami Man Shot After Eating the Face of a Homeless Man

A Miami man was shot to death by police after they witnessed him eating the face off of a man on the MacArthur Causeway off ramp Saturday. The incident is being reported by the Miami Herald, who posted pictures of the incident as it happened, in broad daylight.

According to the police report, a road ranger saw a naked man chewing on the face of another man and told him to back away. Another woman saw what was happening and alerted a police officer.

The officer approached and told the man to back away. The naked man continued to assault the unconscious man, so the police officer opened fire. The man was not fazed by being shot, so the officer continued to unload his weapon. Witnesses say six shots were fired.

The scene took place just below The Miami Herald Building. The newspaper captured the incident when reporters were able to get clear shots from the building above. It was also recorded on the buildings video surveillance. Police have requested those tapes.

Police believe that the victim was a homeless man and the perpetrator may have been suffering from “cocaine psychosis”, a condition caused by cocaine overdose. That may be an explanation to the reason the man was naked, as the condition causes the person to suffer from extreme fever. And it also may explain why he did not stop after being shot.

It could also be that he is the first victim of the zombie apocalypse, and he was just trying to get to those juicy brains.

Sorry, I shouldn’t joke about that.

[source: The Miami Herald]